Cross Column

Contoh Cross Column

February 16, 2010

The First Posting in English :)

I'm trying to use the English language in this article. Because after trying several times to write with Indonesian will adversely affect the google adsense. After looking for some information on websites and blogs, for cases that adsense does not appear, there are various ways to overcome them. First, Use a good English and correct. Well, this is difficult for me, because I rarely use the English language. Second, cheating, by changing the adsense code. But this is dangerous, google adsense will block you if you get caught cheating. I prefer the safe way, namely by using the English language like this. For another easy try using google translate from the facility. So you can easily translate Indonesian to English. Good luck, and wish me luck! :)

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1 comments: on "The First Posting in English :)"

RioAP said...

This seems to work well, but only when i open this article. It will show corrupt adsense (PSA) when i'm back to home (

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