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February 16, 2010

Solution to Adsense That didn't Appear

I proceed from the previous blog article, why the adsense ads are not showing. Made me interested in finding out why this could happen. After getting some information from the web using the Indonesian language, such as from the website or from website of kimyong, which shows the safest way to display the google adsense ads on your web page. Until such a dangerous way by mr amin hidayat, that change the adsense code, it dangerous because if google adsense know that you change the code of adsense it they will block your google adsense and maybe remove your website from google search engine. Isn't that very dangerous? Then which way will you choose to restore your google adsense? that's the quetions.

After search several time at google, i found a helpful article from QuickOnlineTips, Insya Allah this will be useful for us all :

  • Develop sufficient good content with keywords on your webpage related to the topic of interest. Google is a great fan of good content websites.
  • Ensure that META tags like ‘title’ & ‘description’ and the headings tags like h1, h2 etc. have content which matches the rest of your site. They are main ways google judges your pages content.
  • Add specific keywords in your text which will help the google bot to determine and understand the content of your website. Repeat related keywords which will better help to understand site content. Do not fill your page with simlar keywords, it might work against your favour.
  • Try to keep the entire website focussed on a particular theme, so that even if the content on a particular page is lesser, the ads wil show.
  • Do not place multiple ad units if there are not suffcient ads to display on all of them. Also Google TOS do not allow placing more than 3 ad units on a page.
  • Use section targeting – you can target an ad unit to a specific section of your blog, as well as block out irrelevant sections like navigational links. Useful to get more targeted ads.

Now we all know why the google adsense only showing PSA. Hmmm... and when i read this instruction i realized that i was wrong at first time i posting at this blog and made this blog not proper to google adsense TOS. Okey it's doesn't matter. Just fix it and posting more and more article content that related to this blog (keyword, header, title, blog description, etc). And don't forget, not violate google adsense TOS. Let's try accordance with instructions, are the google adsense will appears or not. we'll see then...
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